Center-Supported Student Research in Germany and Poland (March 12-21): Follow the Researchers on Instagram

This Spring Break, Prof. Amy Hudnall, an affiliated faculty member of the Center for Judaic, Holocaust, and Peace Studies, and Center director Prof. Thomas Pegelow Kaplan will lead a student research group excursion to Germany and Poland. The ASU students, including minors in Judaic, Holocaust, and Peace Studies, will work on a range of research topics from medical resistance in the Jewish hospital in early 1940s Berlin to gender dynamics in the theft and public auctions of Jewish property in Hesse since the late 1930s and French forced laborers in the Volkswagen factory during the Second World War. They will scrutinize archival materials at numerous centers and archives from the Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum in present-day Poland to the Sachsenhausen Concentration Camp Memorial north of Berlin. They will meet with many Polish and German scholars and students, a Gentile-Polish rescuer, a former Hitler Youth member, local politicians, and a leading representative of the Society of Persons Persecuted by the Nazi Regime (VVN-BdA).

Everyone is invited to follow the research excursion on Instagram, since the students will post up-dates and results of their research on the Instagram account of the College of Arts and Sciences (CAS). To follow go to the College of Arts and Sciences at Appalachian State University Instagram account, @appstatecas (#appstatecastakeover). To sign up for an Instagram account, go to

For more information on the research excursion, that is sponsored by the German Academic Exchange Service, the Rosenblatt Foundation and the Miriam and Abe Brenner Foundation in cooperation with the Greensboro Jewish Federation, see


Students of the Judaic, Holocaust, and Peace Studies program
Published: Mar 10, 2017 10:05am



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