Future of Holocaust Testimonies '19

The  Center invites the public to its first off-campus academic conference in Akko, Israel. Organized in partnership with the Holocaust Studies Program at Western Galilee College and the USC Shoah Foundation Center for Advanced Genocide Research in Los Angeles, the "Future of Holocaust Testimony" Conference brings together dozens of scholars from around the world to shed light on this important topic as we are approaching a time with no living Holocaust survivors in our midst. The meeting takes place on the campus of Western Galilee College and the Ghetto Fighters' House Museum and Archives from March 11-13. All events (in Hebrew and English) on March 13 are open to the public. For more information, contact the Center at 828.262.2311 or holocaust@appatate.edu

For the program, please click here
For the conference website, please click here.

akko poster


















For more information on Western Galilee College, see here

For more information on the Ghetto Fighters' House Museum and Archives, see here