I. Barclay, ASU, NC, 2020


Name of Speaker:

Dr. Irina Barclay



Appalachian State University

Dr. Irina Barclay

The Center for Judaic, Holocaust andPeaceStudiesinvites the members of the ASU community to its first research colloquium of the fall semester 2020. The event will provide ample opportunities to discuss the translation and editing of Leonid Petrovich Bolotov's memoir Twenty Years in a Siberian Gulag. Memoir of a Political Prisoner at Kolyma by Russian Studies Professor Dr. Irina Barclay (LLC, ASU).The colloquium will focus on pre-circulated excerpts of the memoir. The lunch colloquium with Professor Barclay will take place on Monday, September 14, from 1:00 until 2:30 pm. To prevent community spread and keep everyone safe, we will hold this event as a ZOOM session online. To RSVP, receive the ZOOM link, and get copies of the texts, send an email to holocaust@appstate.edu or call 828.262.2311.