A. Muenzer, Child Holocaust Survivor, '21

Name of Speaker:

Dr. Al Münzer


July 22, 2021


ZOOM, Part of the 19th (Virtual) Martin and Doris Summer Symposium on "Remembering the Shoah" and the Appalachian Summer Festival's Lunch and Learn series

This video is a recording of the testimony by Dr. Al Münzer, a child survivor of the Holocaust, who escaped deportation with the help of an Indonesian family in the German-occupied Netherlands, whose members hid him until the end of the war and genocide. The speaker was born to a Jewish family in the Netherlands during World War II. When his father was ordered to report to a German labor camp in 1942, the entire family went into hiding, sending the children to various neighbors and rescuers. A Dutch-Indonesian family hid Al(fred) in The Hague. His sisters stayed elsewhere, until they were betrayed and deported to Auschwitz where they were murdered. Al came to the United States in 1958 with his mother, who had survived several camps and death marches. Symposium Co-Director Dr. Racelle Weiman moderates the program.