| Name of Speaker: Professor Thomas Kühne Date: February 12, 2018 Location: Appalachian State University Prof. Thomas Kühne presents his lecture, "The Murderers Are Among Us" Professor Kühne is an award-winning prolific scholar of German, Holocaust, Military, and Gender Studies. His essay collection on the history of masculinities in modern Germany, Men’s History—Gender History, 1996 (published in German) helped to establish this field in Central European history and stimulated a series of innovative gender studies. He also contributed to the flourishing of the new cultural military history (What is Military History, 2000, co-edited with Benjamin Ziemann, in German) and served as chair of the German Historical Peace Research Association from 1998 until 2001. Professor Kühne is the author of many other publications in these fields, most noteworthy his study Belonging and Genocide. Hitler’s Community, 1918-1945 (Yale University Press 2010) on how the Nazis used the human desire for community to build a genocidal society and his monograph on The Rise and Fall of Comradeship (Cambridge University Press, 2017) on the myth of comradeship and its shaping of the experiences and actions of German soldiers in the Second World War. |